She's only a year younger than me, and I was informed just yesterday morning before I was about to take my lab quiz that a friend from high school named Mei Perez has gone missing. I really cannot believe it. It is a total tragic and shock that this would happen. I hear that people in the township from back home are incredibly worried; many of her friends are, and I know that her family is especially. Well, this is what happens when you don't have a Facebook. Of course I have a reason why I don't use Facebook, but think about how many mundane things goes on on there. However, big news like these don't just fade away, and even with the information that she has gone missing, I'm not exactly sure what to do or how I should feel about it. I hope someone will find her though--that she will be okay wherever she is. I pray that no one will hurt her.
The last time that she was heard or seen was in Seattle, Washington. That's pretty far from EHT. She was missing since Saturday, March 5th. It's been a few days now and no one has yet found her.
God, please take care of your daughter. I don't know what is happening, but only You do. I pray that you will give her strength wherever she may be, and that she comes to know You. I pray that she will get back to her family soon. All her friends and family members are worried about her safety and of her whereabouts. May there be some sort of good news. For now, You are in control and I pray that You will find her and bring her back home. Thank you, Lord.
If there's anything that I could do, I think I will.
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