Thursday, December 15, 2011

Stressed for finals.

I'm stressed. Really stressed. I don't know how else to express it because I feel like I'm on my own. What if I could imagine everyone studying along side with me? I would still feel alone because we're all trying to get our own individual grades and how we perform on the exams will detail how we do overall in the class. Yeah, I admit it. I am scared. God, you are first and will always be first in my life. For me to know what your plans are for me, I must try my best to do well. I cannot and should not slack. That's all. God, I give you control. Please bless me at this time to complete and do well and learn things with my work. Thank you. Amen.


  1. Dear girl, I have been really encouraged by the things you've been posting lately. I appreciate your heart for seeking God even with everything being confusing. I even understand this trouble of pushing people away, or not knowing how to say no to social opportunities.

    Rest in God's love and acceptance of you. :hug:

  2. Thanks! I'm really glad that you feel encouraged from my posts! :D Haha, I didn't know that you were even reading them. But yeah, I've been still questioning a lot and still trying to figure some things out. Still pretty hesitant, but I think that it's something that's been making me more confused. I'm going to keep pushing. I hope the same will go for you.
    :hugs back: :)
